The OAIC's fifth video in their Privacy series tell us,'Is my real estate agent aloud to take photos in my house?'
The OAIC's fourth video in their Privacy series tell us,'What can i do about my neighbours security camers?'
We all have personal information held by organisations, but how do you access that information, are you able to just ask for it or might you have to pay or wait for an extended period of time, and then what if it is incorrect are you able to make changes where you need to?
The OAIC's third video in their Privacy series tell us,'How do I access my personal information?'
If you know that personal information about you has been mishandled what should you do, and how do you go about making a complaint?
The OAIC's second video in their Privacy series tell us, 'How do I make a privacy complaint?'
Following on from PRIVACY AWARENESS WEEK in May 2014 when CQR were partners of the OAIC (The Office of Australia Information Commissioner), the OAIC have released the first a series of 5 video's which are designed to help individuals learn more about PRIVACY and the common concerns they may have.
All of the video's are to be release over the next 2 weeks and we will be here to support the OAIC in spreading the word on PRIVACY.
The first in the series is 'What is Privacy?'
Further information on the changes to the PRIVACY ACT can be found on the OAIC website.
Sarah Taylor
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