This myth presupposes
good firewalls, so let’s assume that attack from outside is too difficult. Do
organisations really have as good physical security as they believe, and does
this keep them safe?
Physical security is
implemented by combining three different techniques:
(1) deterrence – making the risks too high to
attack in the first place (guns);
(2) prevention – making it too hard or too
expensive to attack (gates);
(3) response – having a capability to detect or
capture the attacker even if successful (guards).
It does seem plausible
that if an organisation gets all of these right, that physical security will
protect them. The problem is that they never get them right, and physical
access is almost always the easiest way to attack.
If a bad guy really wants
to attack an organisation, none of the deterrence mechanisms matter, they’ve
already decided to attack. Strike one.
The only prevention
mechanism that has any chance of success is complete exclusion of all
non-employees from a site. If visitors are let in, prevention has been
bypassed. If there are any contracts with any third-party services at all, the
only thing that has been done is to require an attacker to buy a second-hand
contractor logo shirt from a charity shop. Network level security inside an
organisation is usually very poor, and the attacker has just bypassed the
firewall. Strike two.
A competent attacker who
is determined to physically attack is going to rely on both looking like they
should be there, and the normal human nature not to question strangers. The
attacker won’t be stopped even in organisations with a name badge requirement
and posters everywhere saying challenge strangers. And a simple disguise will
make CCTV useless. Strike three.
Put bluntly: deterrence
doesn’t work; prevention doesn’t work; and response doesn’t notice. It’s even
worse than that, because the belief that organisations have good physical
security when they really don’t, makes them blind to physical attack. This is
especially true in branch offices.
Physical security
underpins everything else, but it isn’t enough by itself, and that is why this
myth is busted.
Phil Kernick Chief Technology Officer
Phil Kernick Chief Technology Officer